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There are several ways to learn Jin Shin Jyutsu.

  • You go to a bookshop or library and see which book appeals to you. Then apply the hands-ons as explained or shown there.

  • Some practitioners offer selfhelp groups. People meet there regularly and apply Jin Shin Jyutsu on specific topics under guidance. The address list indicates which practitioners offer such services.

  • You go to a self-help course. There, educated and authorized practitioners show and explain how you can use Jin Shin Jyutsu for yourself, using Mary Burmeister's self-help books 1 to 3. You will learn about the safety energy locks and where they are located.

  • You go to a 5-day class. Only certified teachers teach here and the material goes in depth and breadth. Many connections are explained on the base of Textbooks I and II by Mary Burmeister.
    It is possible to start directly with a 5-day class. From experience, I recommend only attending such a class when you already know where the 26 safety energy locks are and what the depths are all about.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.​

The first step to self-help: keep your fingers crossed
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